All registrants will receive a printed badge when they check in at the event. Please wear your badge at all times (The engraved brick badges are not the accepted form of identification for entrance into Brickworld). Your printed badge is your entrance pass to Brickworld, including seminars and workshops, so do not lose it! We cannot replace lost badges.
If you find a lost badge or parts of a badge, please take them to the registration desk.
All minors under 18 years of age MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult at Brickworld. Parents or guardians are accountable for their child’s or children’s actions. Please help ensure your child adheres to the rules of the event. Please be respectful to other attendees by taking crying or disruptive children outside of the event.
Remember, this is an adult-oriented event, and some conversations may be inappropriate for your children. It is your responsibility to remove your child(ren) from inappropriate scenarios. And, we also ask that all minors be out of the event hall between midnight and 7 AM
- Play nice and play well! Stealing, cheating, or breaking any law or rule, is grounds to be removed from the convention without refund
- Disorderly conduct is grounds for removal from the convention without refund. Disorderly conduct includes rough housing, running, riding a skateboard or scooter among other things.
- Threatening others is grounds for removal from the convention without refund. Threatening includes threat of physical violence, stalking, unwanted touching, and gesturing violent or sexually harassing signals
If someone is removed from the convention for conduct, Brickworld reserves the right to ban them from future shows for any length of time Brickworld deems appropriate
Dangerous Materials
No flammable liquids or gases, weapons, or compressed gas tanks of any sort are allowed in the event area.
Food and Beverage
Food and beverage is permitted as defined by the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center. It is preferred that you eat outside the event area. If you do eat in the event area, please discard any trash promptly in a proper receptacle. No hot plates or toaster ovens are allowed to be used in hotel rooms. Please consult the hotel for this information.
Please wash your hands after eating…especially before handling bricks.
Handling Bricks
Please respect each other and their models. Models may be more fragile than they appear, and some builders do not like strangers or friends handling their models. Please be respectful by asking the model creator permission before handling their model.
Trademarks & Copyrights
Brickworld is a trademark of Mark Larson Designs, LLC. All rights reserved. LEGO is a trademark of The LEGO Group. Other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners or groups. Trademarked names may appear on the website without the trademark or registered trademark symbol. Rather than use a trademark or registered trademark symbol for every occurrence, the names are used only in an editorial fashion and for the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of trademark infringement.
Brickworld is in no way associated with The LEGO Group.
Unauthorized and unmarked use of others’ trademarks and/or copyrighted material is prohibited at the event.
Videotaping and Photography
Videotaping and photography is permitted at Brickworld unless explicitly prohibited by the panelist or creators. Please try to limit flash photography during presentations and workshops. Also make sure to ask permission to move a model to take a better shot.
Photo Release and Waiver
By attending a Brickworld event you grant permission to Brickworld and their agents or employees, to use photographs and videos that include my image or likeness. You irrevocably authorize Brickworld to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute these photos, either in print or digital form, for the purpose of publicizing and marketing of Brickworld. In addition, you waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein your likeness appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photographs or videos. You also understand that your image may be used on the Brickworld website and any ticketing website used by Brickworld and that once your image(s) is posted on said website(s) the image can be downloaded by any computer user.